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I. K. Aivazovsky’s The Battle of Sinop on 18 November 1853 (Night after Battle). 1853. Oil on canvas. 220 × 331 cm. Central Naval Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.An Episode from the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The Sinop battle took place on 18 November 1853 in the old style (30 November) between the Russian and Turkish squadrons in the Turkish port of Sinop, near the southern coast of the Black Sea. It ended with the destruction of 15 of the 16 Turkish ships and a devastating fire in the city. The Russian fleet lost no ships. This was the last major battle in the history of sail fleets, and the first battle, in which the Paixhans explosive shell guns were used.

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I. K. Aivazovsky’s The Battle of Sinop on 18 November 1853 (Night after Battle). 1853. Oil on canvas. 220 × 331 cm. Central Naval Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.An Episode from the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The Sinop battle took place on 18 November 1853 in the old style (30 November) between the Russian and Turkish squadrons in the Turkish port of Sinop, near the southern coast of the Black Sea. It ended with the destruction of 15 of the 16 Turkish ships and a devastating fire in the city. The Russian fleet lost no ships. This was the last major battle in the history of sail fleets, and the first battle, in which the Paixhans explosive shell guns were used.
