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Title: Farm and floral guideIdentifier: CAT31283796 (find matches)Year: 1899 (1890s)Authors: L. L. May & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog CollectionSubjects: Nurseries (Horticulture) Minnesota Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Flower Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Agricultural implements CatalogsPublisher: St. Paul, Minn. : L. L. May & Co.Contributing Library: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibraryDigitizing Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibraryView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:CATALOGUE OF SEEDS, PLANTS, BULBS AND FRUITS. 41 llll: I'l Ml . ' I lill I*, «. (hi nfatn icianj eoop. iniog 'm Jlcfor o/et) eties CCCj 1.75.; i. th Acn nge c?- othe wpti ibltl ik kt.ii !Text Appearing After Image:MIKADO One of the largest, most productive, most solid and *"*,IV'*best marketing tomatoes that has ever been intro- duced. The fruit, which often weighs lty to 2 lbs. each, ripens early and is of the sweetest flavor. Color of tomatoes when fully ripened is a rich bright red. We heartily recommend it to all growers, and especially those who desire large tomatoes for market purposes. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, % lb. 50c, % lb. 90c, lb. $1.75. PAVOPITP This is also known as the Canners' Pride, and is rt\ â¼ uivl I C one Qf most perfect shaped tomatoes that can be grown. It ripens quite early, evenly and is seldom known to crack, and it does not rot at the blossom end as some sorts. The flesh is solid, has comparatively few seeds and is splendid for ship- ping purposes. Throughout the Eastern States and in the neighbor- hood of Baltimore it is almost exclusively grown for canners. Pkt. 6c, oz, 20c, % lb. 50c, lb. $1.75. Ifi NOTl J JVl This was introduced several years Jago by one of the â VllXWl *-'*»*⢠leading agricultural experimental stations, and is a thoroughly good red tomato of large size. The fruit is solid and a good keeper. Vines vigorous, stocky in growth and leaves a darker shade of green than most varieties. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ^4 lb. 50c, lb. $175. LIVINGSTON'S PERFECTION. ^^SJTS^i ively grown by gardeners who raise fruit for the canning factories. It is invariably smooth and of a handsome deep blood red color; flesh is thick, almost coreless, and contains comparatively few seeds. This was introduced in 1880, and is still considered one of the best varieties for general use. Pkt. 5c, OZ. 20c, % lb. 50c, Vz lb. 85c, lb. $1.65. TPOPHV <-)ne °^tlie standard varieties that has remained l ^wrii i . jn fayor in spite of the introduction of dozens of new sorts within the past eight or ten years. The fruit is very large, usually smooth, solid, of good flavor and very productive. Color is a beautiful rich deep red. Vines vigorous, healthy in growth, and will produce a fine crop in almost any kind of weather. Selected Steed. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c. V* lb. 50c, lb. $1.75. OPTI MI m A comparativelynew variety that is very desirable for \sr i home use. Vines vigorous and productive. Fruit medium size, oval, smooth and of an exceedingly bright crimson scarlet color. The introducers claim it is not only valuable for pri- vate gardens, but also one of the best tomatoes that can be grown for shinping purooses. as it seldom cracks, even when over ripe. Pkt. lOc, oz. 20C Vilb. 50c, y2 lb 90c. lb $1.70. KING HUMBERT. A most desirable European variety. Vines vigorous and extremely pro- ductive. Fruit solid, fine flavored and of best quality. Just the tomato for private gardens. A distinct scarlet plum shaped tomato that is of such fine flavor that it is certain to become one of the most valuable for home gardens. It is not so large as the Ameri- can sorts, but the flesh is very tender and almost entirely free from the coarseness found in nearly all of our standard varieties. The seed we offer was procured by us direct from one of the leading seed specialists of Europe, and is the truest strain obtainable. For those who desire a large tomato, this will not be acceptable, and we would recommend in place of it the Grand Pacific, but for our friends who wish a small tomato of the finest quality and flavor, we suggest that they give King Humbert a trial in their garden this season. Pkt. 15c, 4 pkts. 50c. nf\I nPM hrm The finest yellow tomato. Fine flavor, beau- UULUCl^l UCiYl. tiful color. Very productive. Without doubt the best golden yellow variety that has ever been introduced. It is a decided improvement over all other yellow kinds in both size and flavor, being larger and of a much better quality than Golden Queen, and a much heavier yielder. No one who has a private garden can afford to be without it , as its rich golden color makes amost beauti- ful contrast when sliced and withthe red varieties. Market gardeners who grow for market alone will hail with delight our Golden Gem as a leader of a new class of large sized yellow tomatoes. Pkt. 20c, 3 pkts. 50c, oz. 75c. RITflfCVK CTATB Originated in Ohio, and said to be one of the DU^NCIC 5IAID. best main crop varieties. Color darker than Iiivingston's Beauty and fruit about half again as large as that sort. The tomatoes are borne in clusters of from four to eight or ten, and a well grown bush presents a magnificent appearance heavily laden with this immense fruit. It is one of the best varieties for market gardeners that can be obtained, as it9 large, perfectly shaped fruit at once attracts attention and causes quick sales. Pkt. lOc, oz. 20c, lb. 50c, y2 lb. 90c, lb. $1.75. MCW IMDPDIA1 A comparatively new early tomato of large mGVY liYlfClvlf**-" size. The fruit is almost round, smooth and of a bright red color, changing when ripe to a purplish pink. Although claimed to be an extra early sort it seldom ripens earlier than the Acme. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, % lb. 60c, lb. $2 00. A ^ See colored plate enclosed in this catalogue for illus- f£/)Cn tration and description of Improved California â Peach Tomato.Note About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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