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Identifier: cu31924071165637 (find matches)Title: The Russo-Japanese war fully illustrated : v. 1-3 (no. 1-10), Apr. 1904-Sept. 1905Year: 1904 (1900s)Authors:Subjects: Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905Publisher: Tokyo : Kindodo-shosekikabushiki-kaisha (The Kinkodo publishing co)Contributing Library: Cornell University LibraryDigitizing Sponsor: MSNView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:ma;The Bonjbardment of Liao-yang with a Heavy Gun-capturedfrom the Russians at the Nan-shan Engagement; A Bloody Sceneon a Rampart at Shgu-Shan-pu ; Auxiliary Defensive Works atShou-shan-pu ; View of the Neighbourhood of the Liao-yangStation after the Battle;^ Our Cavalry croSvSing a River near An-shan-tien ; Out Bombardment of Liao-yang with. Heavy Guns ;A Russian Armed Train left at Liao-yang; A Japa,nese and aRussian disputing over Regimental Colours ; Lieut.-Colonel Ta-chibana making a Stand on a Rampart &.t Shou-shan-pu ; RussianV, :-i Soldiers ithrowing Stones from a Position oh To-sfean:;Our Troops skirmishing; The Mikasa bravely fighting against•-the Russian Squadron off Port Arthur ; The Members of the 10th Division Staff; Young Students receiving a lesson* in a Cla^sRooin in the Elei^entaryDepartemoit of the* Girls Higher Normal .School; The Latest Graduates of the Miwada Girls* School;Chihzanso, the Residence of Marshal Yamagata.Other smaller Illnstrations over .130 .Text Appearing After Image:Minamoto Yoritomo, the Famous General, fighting for the first Time at the age of Thirteen.Note About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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