Nieuwjaarswensch (1910) by Johan Braakensiek and Harms and Co Ellerman Image from public domain licenseAfbeelding van ons leger dat de Chinezen verslaat bij Pyongyang (1894) by Adachi Ginkô and Wakasaya Yoichi Jakurindô Image from public domain licenseHet grote paardencircus uit Osaka (1785 - 1790) by Torii Kiyonaga Image from public domain licenseThe Bombay plague epidemic of 1896-1897: work of the Bombay Plague Committee. Photographs attributed to Capt. C. Moss, 1897. Image from public domain licenseThe poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son. Image from public domain licenseGestrande walvis bij Berckhey, 1598 (1679 - 1681) by Gilliam van der Gouwen and Jacob Matham Image from public domain licenseGezicht op een buitenwijk te Québec (1755 - 1779) by Kaiserlich Franziskische Akademie, Franz Xaver Habermann and Jozef II… Image from public domain licenseHistorische optocht bij het tweede eeuwfeest van de Utrechtse Hogeschool, 1836 (plaat 6) (1837) by Victor Adam, Joseph Rose… Image from public domain licenseThe Bombay plague epidemic of 1896-1897: work of the Bombay Plague Committee. Photographs attributed to Capt. C. Moss, 1897. Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de stad en het Paleis van Versailles (1700 - 1799) by anonymous and Jacques Rigaud Image from public domain licenseDrie gratiën (1782) by Maria Catharina Prestel, Bartholomeus Spranger and Johann Gottlieb Prestel Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Strada Nuova te Genua (1700 - 1799) by familie Remondini and anonymous Image from public domain licenseGekantelde hooiwagen met passagiers (after 1826) by Joseph Ambroise Jobard, Auguste Xavier Leprince and Johannes Paulus… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Breetraat in Leiden (1854) by Gerardus Johannes Bos, Tieleman Cato Bruining, Pieter Willem Marinus Trap and… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Treseburg, Harz (1868 - 1890) by Hermann Selle and E Linde and Co Sophus Williams Image from public domain licenseRuiterstandbeeld van Filips II te Madrid (1694 - 1737) by Pieter van den Berge, Pieter van den Berge, Staten van Holland en… Image from public domain licenseThe good Samaritan pouring oils on a wounded half-dead man. Line engraving by P. Casteels after S. Rosa. Image from public domain licenseInterieur met een oude man, jongeman en kind met een stokpaard (1549) by Virgilius Solis Image from public domain licenseStrijder Minamoto no Yoshiie te paard en vogel op tak (c. 1825) by Ryûryûkyo Shinsai and Hisakataya Misora Image from public domain licenseAngelo Loerch, being run over by a horse and carriage, makes a vow to the Madonna del Parto. Oil painting, 1883. Image from public domain licenseStudie van twee ezels (1838 - 1840) by Pierre Frédéric Lehnert, Aubert and Cie and Aubert and Cie Image from public domain licenseKaart van Beieren (1735) by anonymous and erven J Ratelband and Co Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de dorpskerk van Heemskerk (1728) by Abraham Rademaker, Abraham Rademaker and Leonard Schenk Image from public domain licenseUse Continental Ointment : Continental Ointment for man and beast. Image from public domain licenseUniform van de paardenartsen, 1845 (1845) by Willem Charles Magnenat and Louis Salomon Leman Image from public domain licenseOud wachthuis met plein te Maastricht (1857) by Alexander Schaepkens, Alexander Schaepkens and Simonau and Toovey Image from public domain licenseAbove, a cat in a priest's habit is hung on the gallows with priests laughing at the sight; below, a blindfolded man is hung… Image from public domain licenseVier infanteristen van de linie (1832 - 1833) by Victor Adam, Nicolas Louis Delaunois, Déro Becker and Chaillou Image from public domain licenseDrie onbekende vrouwen op riksja's (c. 1891 - in or before 1896) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het kasteel van Gaillon (1600 - 1661) by Israël Silvestre, Israël Silvestre, Israël Henriet, Anna Beeck and… Image from public domain licensePraalwagen met de olifant, 1582 (1582) by anonymous, Abraham de Bruyn and Pieter van der Borcht I Image from public domain licenseRuiterstandbeeld van koning Hendrik IV op de Pont Neuf in Parijs, Frankrijk (1856 - 1890) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het Stadhuis en de rivier de Seine te Parijs (1749) by Robert Sayer, P Brookes, Paul Angier and Jacques Rigaud Image from public domain licenseStanislaus Leszczyński tot koning van Polen gekozen, 1733 (1735) by anonymous and erven J Ratelband and Co Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Hofvijver te Den Haag (1742 - 1801) by Georg Balthasar Probst, anonymous and Isaac van Haastert Image from public domain licenseMan die een rijstveld ploegt met een paard in Japan (c. 1895 - c. 1905) by Kōzaburō Tamamura Image from public domain licenseJournal des Demoiselles, Août 1867, 35e année, No. 8 (1867) by Paul Lacourière, Emile Préval and Gilquin and Fils Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Noordwelle in Zeeland (in or after 1754 - c. 1800) by anonymous and Hendrik Spilman Image from public domain licenseTwee voorstellingen van kastelen waaronder Kasteel Wedderburcht (1854 - 1861) by Jacob Jan van der Maaten and Willem Jacob… Image from public domain licenseBeurs / Delftse Poort (1783) by François van Bleyswijck, François van Bleyswijck, Johan van der Spruyt, Cornelis Notemans… Image from public domain licenseAchteraanzicht van het Escorial (1694 - 1737) by Pieter van den Berge, Pieter van den Berge, Staten van Holland en West… Image from public domain licenseThe banks of Sumida river in snow (1790) by Kitagawa Utamaro and Tsutaya Juzaburo Koshodo Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Rigi Kulm (1800 - 1899) by anonymous and Rudolf Dikenmann Image from public domain licenseGezicht te Rome met de zuil van Trajanus en de S. Maria di Loreto (1664) by Lievin Cruyl Image from public domain licenseTHE FUNERAL / DE BEGRAFENIS / LES FUNERALES (1918) by Willem van Schaik and W den Boer Image from public domain licenseOptocht bij het huwelijk van Prinses Sophie, 1842 (plaat 3) (1842 - 1843) by Carl Hess, Zachariae and K Knittel Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Oudekerkstoren te Amsterdam (1827 - 1900) by anonymous, Abraham Vinkeles, Desguerrois and Co, Desguerrois and… Image from public domain licenseEx libris van P.H. Burgers (1925) by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het Koninklijk Paleis te Madrid (1694 - 1737) by Pieter van den Berge, Pieter van den Berge, Staten van Holland… Image from public domain licenseGriekse soldaten nemen een pasja gevangen (1829 - 1835) by Karl Loeillot Hartwig, Jean Marie Joseph Bove and Jean Marie… Image from public domain licenseHaven van Duinkerken (1827) by Victor Adam, Pierre Jacques Feillet, Henri Rittner and Georges Jean Frey Image from public domain licenseGebergte van San Adrian in Biskaje (1694 - 1737) by Pieter van den Berge, Pieter van den Berge, Staten van Holland en West… Image from public domain licenseOpgetuigd paard op een oever (1902) by Johannes Josephus Aarts Image from public domain licenseA man remarking to his friend, while out hunting, that he has put on weight; the other replies he is simply following… Image from public domain licenseTwo drovers walking with their packed mules through a forest at night. Line engraving by J. Couché after a design attributed… Image from public domain licenseAfter losing their money through gambling and killing their father in an accident, one brother kills himself with poison… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Nieuwe Kerk te Den Haag (in or after 1717) by Adolf van der Laan, Daniël Marot II, Anna Beeck and Staten van… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het paleis van de hertog van Aveiro te Lissabon (1745 - 1775) by Jean François Daumont and anonymous Image from public domain licenseNapoleon steekt de Alpen over bij de St. Bernardpas (1809) by Giuseppe Longhi, Antonio Ghiberti, Antonio Ghiberti, Jacques… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het Banqueting House en Horse Guards Building te Londen (1753) by Thomas Jefferys and anonymous Image from public domain licenseVee onder een boom en een man met een mand (1799 - 1869) by Jan van Ravenswaay Image from public domain licenseSlapend schaap (1926) by Lodewijk Schelfhout and N V Roeloffzen and Hübner Image from public domain licenseUniform van de officieren van de huzaren van de Oost-Indische troepen, 1845 (1845) by Louis Salomon Leman and Louis Salomon… Image from public domain licenseTwee jonge prinsen ontvangen de zegen (c. 1750 - c. 1755) by Adrianus Canter Visscher and anonymous Image from public domain licenseThe gigantic giraffe or camelopard, the gensbok, or ibex of the Egyptians, the bontibok, and the gazelle : neither of which… Image from public domain licenseA military dental surgery where soldiers have their teeth extracted extremely quickly, whilst others are waiting for their… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de South Presbyterian Church te Boston (1755 - 1779) by Kaiserlich Franziskische Akademie, Franz Xaver Habermann… Image from public domain licenseOverzicht van China (1916) by Fukuda Bisen, Fukuda Bisen, Okada Seijiro, Nishimura Kumakichi and Kanao Bunendo Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Bergen (Mons) (in or after c. 1715 - 1728) by anonymous, Pieter van der Aa I and Covens and Mortier Image from public domain licenseGezicht op het Zeughaus te Berlijn (1742 - 1801) by Georg Balthasar Probst, anonymous and Johann David Schleuen I Image from public domain licenseDrie honden (1847 - 1865) by Anthonie van Volkom, Conradijn Cunaeus and Koninklijke Nederlandse Steendrukkerij van C W… Image from public domain licenseSt. Petersburgh: a journal of travels to and from that capital. Through Flanders, the Rhenich provinces, Prussia, Russia… Image from public domain licensePiazza del Quirinale te Rome (1693 - 1717) by Pieter Schenk I, Anna Beeck, Pieter Schenk I and Johan Willem van de Palts Image from public domain licenseDe overgave van Metz (1870) by anonymous and weduwe Huigens Image from public domain licenseSimson laat de tempel instorten (1481 - 1546) by Gaudenzio Ferrari Image from public domain licenseKop van ezel en man of duivel ineen (1650 - 1750) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseSketches in the Malay archipelago. Album of watercolours and photographs made and collected by J.E. Taylor. Image from public domain licenseRijpaard naar rechts (1710 - 1717) by Dirk Maas, Philips Wouwerman and Bernard Picart Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Soissons (1735) by anonymous and erven J Ratelband and Co Image from public domain licenseBas-reliëf van een groep putti en paarden (1640) by Reinier van Persijn and Joos de Pape Image from public domain licenseMaréchaussée, te paard, in groote tenue (1823) by Joannes Bemme, J en VH, Jan Frederik Teupken, Gebroeders van Cleef and… Image from public domain license