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Planisphaerivm Aratevm sive Compages Orbivm Mvndanorvm ex hypothesi Aratea in plano expressa (ca. 1708) by Andreas Cellarius, Peter Schenk, and Gerard Valck. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
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Planisphaerivm Aratevm sive Compages Orbivm Mvndanorvm ex hypothesi Aratea in plano expressa (ca. 1708) by Andreas Cellarius, Peter Schenk, and Gerard Valck. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.


Planisphaerivm Aratevm sive Compages Orbivm Mvndanorvm ex hypothesi Aratea in plano expressa (ca. 1708) by Andreas Cellarius, Peter Schenk, and Gerard Valck. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

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