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The Fountains of Bellagio.

Las Vegas.
There is nothing like seeing them in person. The Fountains of Bellagio were destined to romance your senses. Take in a spectacular show of thoughtfully interwoven water, music and light designed to mesmerize its admirers. It is the most ambitious, choreographically complex water feature ever conceived and it’s absolutely free for any visitor to enjoy. Step back, or find a comfortable perch to sit, and watch the dynamic performance set against the backdrop of the Las Vegas lavender sky. Each performance is unique in expression and interpretation so no matter how many times you have seen the Fountains, they always have more in store to wow you with. Fall in love with this unprecedented aquatic accomplishment as you enjoy an enchanting concert of opera, classical, Broadway and pop tunes. Original public domain image from Flickr

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The Fountains of Bellagio.
