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Pukeko.(Swamp hen) FZ200

Pukeko is an extremely adaptable birds frequent many parts of New Zealand and are often seen on road sides and streams, wetlands, estuaries, short damp pasture. The male are about 50cm in height and weight about 1000 g and the female slightly smaller. They are deep blue with black head and upperparts. Their undertail is white. The bill and shield are scarlet; eyes are red. Their legs and feet areorange-red. Both sexes are alike. They can fly and swim, although not the most graceful bird in flight with legs dangling along behind them, and making loud squawking noises. They can run fast with tail held high. When the Pukeko is threatened it flaps its wings and shows off its powerful beak, they will stand up for their young and protect the nest from hawks and other predators. Pukekos feet are big; they have long toes that are excellent at walking over squishy, muddy ground. They may also use their clawed feet for fighting with Pukeko they don't know or trust. Original public domain image from Flickr

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Pukeko.(Swamp hen) FZ200
