Baby leatherback sea turtles. Original public domain image from Flickr
A pair of leatherback hatchlings prepare to brave the waves. Leatherbacks are critically endangered, and just one in 1,000 hatchlings reaches maturity, which is why each hatchling matters.
Tambrauw, West Papua, falls within Indonesia’s Bird’s Head Seascape. To protect this astonishingly diverse repository of tropical marine life, USAID and the Government of Indonesia have teamed up with a wide range of partners (including the Walton Family Foundation, Conservation International, and Yayasan Kehati) to conserve the seascape through the Blue Abadi Fund.
Sepasang tukik penyu belimbing bersiap hadapi terjangan ombak. Penyu belimbing saat ini terancam punah dan hanya satu dari 1.000 tukik belimbing bisa bertahan hidup hingga dewasa. Itulah sebabnya setiap tukik berarti.
Tambrauw, Papua Barat, terletak di Bentang Laut Kepala Burung Indonesia. Untuk melindungi kekayaan kehidupan laut tropis ini, USAID dan pemerintah Indonesia bekerja sama dengan berbagai pihak (termasuk Walton Family Foundation, Conservation International, dan Yayasan Kehati) untuk melestarikan kekayaan alam Bentang Laut Kepala Burung melalui Blue Abadi Fund.
Credit: Samantha Martin, USAID. Original public domain image from Flickr