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Vespula Wasp
Vespula wasps and other related species are common predators in the west and are often misunderstood as household pests. However, these stinging insects are effective predators of true household pests and are common predators of various spiders, flies, and caterpillars that infest populated areas. Existing in complex social groups, Vespula species maintain large nests that are often found within burrows previously excavated by rodents. The queen establishes a new hive, the workers build a huge structure to fill the burrow and, after abandonment, it provides an home for other scavengers and even fosters fungi. Despite their fearsome appearance, these wasps rarely sting humans unless the hive is threatened. By fostering environments in which other organisms can thrive, wasps cement their place as a keystone species. Original public domain image from Flickr

Public DomainFree CCO U.S. Government image for Personal and Business use

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Vespula Wasp
Vespula wasps and other related species are common predators in the west and are often misunderstood as household pests. However, these stinging insects are effective predators of true household pests and are common predators of various spiders, flies, and caterpillars that infest populated areas. Existing in complex social groups, Vespula species maintain large nests that are often found within burrows previously excavated by rodents. The queen establishes a new hive, the workers build a huge structure to fill the burrow and, after abandonment, it provides an home for other scavengers and even fosters fungi. Despite their fearsome appearance, these wasps rarely sting humans unless the hive is threatened. By fostering environments in which other organisms can thrive, wasps cement their place as a keystone species. Original public domain image from Flickr
