Mozambique - Vents Training at Maputo Central Hospital
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its flagship social and behavior change project, Breakthrough ACTION, worked with the Mozambique Ministry of Health to organize two rounds of training with Mozambique’s medical personnel on the United States Government recently donated 50 ventilators to Mozambique to assist with its fight against COVID-19. The two rounds of training were held in early September 2020 and secondly in the country’s capital, Maputo.
During the first round of the training, 24 medical personnel, from 12 health facilities throughout Mozambique’s 11 provinces where COVID-19 is treated, were trained by experienced local doctors, who provided them with critical theoretical and practical expertise needed to go and support their health facilities with urgent and ongoing response to the pandemic using these ventilators. The training sessions were held from the intensive care section of the Maputo’s Central Hospital, and covered the unboxing, mounting, management and monitoring of the ventilators and the vented patients, in the field. The second round of the training was conducted by the Zoll Medical Corporation team from the neighboring South Africa and it was conducted in two sessions, with the first session gathering supply chain experts from the U.S. Government-funded Central Medical Stores (CMAM) warehouse in Zimpeto, and the second session joined by the Ministry's medical personnel from Maputo Central Hospital. Original public domain image from Flickr
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