Disabled woman voting. USAID Democratic Governance Program
Persons with disabilities participate in polling workshop
Aceh, October 2008
KIP Aceh held a Voter Education Workshop and Polling Simulation for persons with disabilities ahead of the Aceh local election held in October 2008 to increase participation of persons with disabilities. USAID provides funding to support timely and inclusive efforts to create more democratic and credible electoral processes in Indonesia.
Difabel Turut Berpartisipasi dalam Lokakarya Pemungutan Suara
KIP Aceh menyelenggarakan lokakarya dan simulasi pemungutan suara bagi para difabel pada bulan Oktober 2008 untuk meningkatkan partisipasi para difabel dalam rangka menyongsong Pilkada di Aceh. USAID menyediakan bantuan dana untuk mendukung untuk mendukung upaya penyelenggaraan proses pemilu yang lebih kredibel, demokratis, tepat waktu dan inklusif di Indonesia.
Submitted by: International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Indonesia
USAID Program: Indonesia Targeted Election Management Assistance (TEMA)
Organization: International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Indonesia. Original public domain image from Flickr