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What Are You Doing There?

There's absolutely noting unusual about seeing squirrels in Newsham Park. the population is thriving and lots of people enjoy coming to see them by the lake.

What is more unusual is to see them up at the top end of the park by the houses. We've occasionally seen them in the garden but it's rare.

When I set out this morning for a walk I saw a couple alongside the ride and this on was kind enough to stay still long enough to pose for me.

Then I think he got a taste for it and gave me a full catwalk show, unaware that my camera wasn't playing due to an allegedly flat battery which I'm investivating as it shouldn't have been flat.

It's alway a gamble committing to photo of the day so early, but I like this one, and if I take more nice shots they can still get uploaded. Original public domain image from Flickr

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What Are You Doing There?
