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Wochenspruch der NSDAP was a Nazi wall newspaper which displayed quotations, mostly from Nazi leaders. It ran from 1937 to 1944, with around 450,000 copies printed each week to be posted in public places in Germany (source: [1], [2]). This edition prints a quote by Hermann Göring — translated: "We do not want to leave to our children and descendants what we can do ourselves." — along with an artistic rendition of him. The issue was published in the time of sending the Hoefle Telegram (11 January 1943), which described the deportation of more than a million Jews to the death camps, and during the Battle of Stalingrad (German capitulation at 2 February 1943) (source: [3], [4]).

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Wochenspruch der NSDAP was a Nazi wall newspaper which displayed quotations, mostly from Nazi leaders. It ran from 1937 to 1944, with around 450,000 copies printed each week to be posted in public places in Germany (source: [1], [2]). This edition prints a quote by Hermann Göring — translated: "We do not want to leave to our children and descendants what we can do ourselves." — along with an artistic rendition of him. The issue was published in the time of sending the Hoefle Telegram (11 January 1943), which described the deportation of more than a million Jews to the death camps, and during the Battle of Stalingrad (German capitulation at 2 February 1943) (source: [3], [4]).
