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"Lodgings to let" "Cartoon showing a fashionably dressed man standing in a well-furnished sitting-room, speaking to a pretty and elegant young woman. He wears a tophat, Hessian boots, and carries a large rough walking-stick. He says: My sweet honey, I hope you are to be let with the lodgins! She answers: No, sir, I am to be let alone." color engraving

Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

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"Lodgings to let" "Cartoon showing a fashionably dressed man standing in a well-furnished sitting-room, speaking to a pretty and elegant young woman. He wears a tophat, Hessian boots, and carries a large rough walking-stick. He says: My sweet honey, I hope you are to be let with the lodgins! She answers: No, sir, I am to be let alone." color engraving
