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Landing ships putting cargo ashore on Omaha Beach, at low tide during the first days of the operation, mid-1944-06Among identifiable ships present are LST-532 (in the center of the view); USS LST-262 (3rd LST from right); USS LST-310 (2nd LST from right); USS LST-533 (partially visible at far right); and USS LST-524. Note barrage balloons overhead and Army "half-track" convoy forming up on the beach. The LST-262 was one of 10 Coast Guard-manned LSTs that participated in the invasion of Normandy, France.This is a retouched edit of the original file which can be found here. This version has had dust and scratches removed, slight tonal imbalances corrected and a tiny white residual border cropped out, otherwise as per the original. Edited and uploaded by mikaultalk 13:18, 16 April 2007 (UTC)

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Landing ships putting cargo ashore on Omaha Beach, at low tide during the first days of the operation, mid-1944-06Among identifiable ships present are LST-532 (in the center of the view); USS LST-262 (3rd LST from right); USS LST-310 (2nd LST from right); USS LST-533 (partially visible at far right); and USS LST-524. Note barrage balloons overhead and Army "half-track" convoy forming up on the beach. The LST-262 was one of 10 Coast Guard-manned LSTs that participated in the invasion of Normandy, France.This is a retouched edit of the original file which can be found here. This version has had dust and scratches removed, slight tonal imbalances corrected and a tiny white residual border cropped out, otherwise as per the original. Edited and uploaded by mikaultalk 13:18, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
