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Anthophora villosula, M, Back, MD, PG County

A Japanese Bee in America. This is Anthophora villosula. An Anthophora that was introduced in the 80s to Eastern U.S. for ag purposes, but its potential was never realized. Now, unfortunately, it is a common and spreading alien species dispersing from its original location in the Washington D.C. area and will likely occupy much of the country at some point. It can be found nesting in the dry dirt under decks, in upturned root masses and in the earthen plaster of strawbale houses such as mine, where it nests by the hundreds. It does favor the "alien" plant community over the natives so it will be another interesting story to watch how it integrates and competes with the local bee fauna. Another rock thrown into the quiet pool of native bees and their flowers. Photographs by Brooke Alexander.

Love for Other Things

It’s easy to love a deer

But try to care about bugs and scrawny trees

Love the puddle of lukewarm water

From last week’s rain.

Leave the mountains alone for now.

Also the clear lakes surrounded by pines.

People are lined up to admire them.

Get close to the things that slide away in the dark.

Be grateful even for the boredom

That sometimes seems to involve the whole world.

Think of the frost

That will crack our bones eventually.

- Tom Hennen. Original public domain image from Flickr

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Anthophora villosula, M, Back, MD, PG County
