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Imperial Demolition
The only remaining part of the Imperial Tobacco complex was demolished on Thursday, October 8. The structure, a former office for the Imperial tobacco processing plant, was heavily damaged by fire in May, and deemed to be unrepairable. The majority of the complex was destroyed by fire in 2008, and remaining debris was recently removed to make way for new development. Prior to the fire damage, the office building was to be renovated as part of the new development.

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Imperial Demolition
The only remaining part of the Imperial Tobacco complex was demolished on Thursday, October 8. The structure, a former office for the Imperial tobacco processing plant, was heavily damaged by fire in May, and deemed to be unrepairable. The majority of the complex was destroyed by fire in 2008, and remaining debris was recently removed to make way for new development. Prior to the fire damage, the office building was to be renovated as part of the new development.
