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Identifier: webstersnewstand00webs (find matches)Title: Webster's new standard dictionary ... with U. S. census and maps, based upon the unabridged dictionary of Noah Webster, LL. D.Year: 1911 (1910s)Authors: Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Roe, E. T Leonard-Stuart, Charles, (from old catalog) joint edSubjects: English languagePublisher: New York, Syndicate publishing companyContributing Library: The Library of CongressDigitizing Sponsor: The Library of CongressView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:es or customs of knights-errant. knighthood (hood), n. the charac-ter, rank, or dignity, of a knight. knit (nit), v.t. (p.t. & p.p. knitted,p.pr. knitting), to tie, unite, or drawtogether; weave together by nee-dles ; contract. knitting (ing), n. the work of aknitter; the netted fabric thus wo-ven ; union. knob (nob), n. the rounded handle ofa door, &c.; round protuberance;knoll. knobby (i), adj. full of knobs. knock (nok), n. a blow or strokowith something hard or heavy ; rap :v.t. to give a blow to; drive orstrike against: v.i. to strike a blowwith son3«tking hard or heavy. knock-ont (out), n. a mechanicaldevice for throwing out finishedwork; a knock-down blow ending afight, knoll (nol), n. a rounded hillock;hilltop. knop (nop), n. an architectural or-nament of clustered leaves and flow-ers ; button. knot (not), n. an interweaving ortying of thread or cord, &c.; any- Ute^ arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, notj boon,book; hue, but; think, ^^en* rText Appearing After Image:CUTE KITTENSPersian; 2. Tortoise Shell; 3. Manx; 4. Silver Grey Persian; 5. Maltese; 6. Angora Tabby;7. Short Hair; 8. Common Tabby; 9. Angora Orange; 10. House Kittens. ii i! I _ kym kokra-srood (kokra-wood), n. thewood of an Indian tree, used formaking flutes, &c., and in turnery. koniscope (koni-skop), n. an appa-ratus for determining the amoujit ofdust contained in the air. koodoo (koodoo), n. the striped an-telope of South Africa. kopeck, same as copeck. kopi (kopi), n. an African peasant. kopje (kopye), n. a hillock (SouihAfrica. ) Koraa, see Alcoran. koto (koto), n. a Japanese musicalinstrument, somewhat resemblingthe zither. koumiss (koomis), n. a spirituousbeverage made by the Tartars fromfermented mares milk. Also kumiss. kowto-w (ko-tou), n. a Chinese formof salutation from an inferior to asuperior by touching the groundwith the forehead: v.i. salute by thekowtow. Also kotow. kraal (krawl), n. an African villageconsisting of a group of huts sur-rounded by a palisade; aNote About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


Identifier: webstersnewstand00webs (find matches)Title: Webster's new standard dictionary ... with U. S. census and maps, based upon the unabridged dictionary of Noah Webster, LL. D.Year: 1911 (1910s)Authors: Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Roe, E. T Leonard-Stuart, Charles, (from old catalog) joint edSubjects: English languagePublisher: New York, Syndicate publishing companyContributing Library: The Library of CongressDigitizing Sponsor: The Library of CongressView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:es or customs of knights-errant. knighthood (hood), n. the charac-ter, rank, or dignity, of a knight. knit (nit), v.t. (p.t. & p.p. knitted,p.pr. knitting), to tie, unite, or drawtogether; weave together by nee-dles ; contract. knitting (ing), n. the work of aknitter; the netted fabric thus wo-ven ; union. knob (nob), n. the rounded handle ofa door, &c.; round protuberance;knoll. knobby (i), adj. full of knobs. knock (nok), n. a blow or strokowith something hard or heavy ; rap :v.t. to give a blow to; drive orstrike against: v.i. to strike a blowwith son3«tking hard or heavy. knock-ont (out), n. a mechanicaldevice for throwing out finishedwork; a knock-down blow ending afight, knoll (nol), n. a rounded hillock;hilltop. knop (nop), n. an architectural or-nament of clustered leaves and flow-ers ; button. knot (not), n. an interweaving ortying of thread or cord, &c.; any- Ute^ arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, notj boon,book; hue, but; think, ^^en* rText Appearing After Image:CUTE KITTENSPersian; 2. Tortoise Shell; 3. Manx; 4. Silver Grey Persian; 5. Maltese; 6. Angora Tabby;7. Short Hair; 8. Common Tabby; 9. Angora Orange; 10. House Kittens. ii i! I _ kym kokra-srood (kokra-wood), n. thewood of an Indian tree, used formaking flutes, &c., and in turnery. koniscope (koni-skop), n. an appa-ratus for determining the amoujit ofdust contained in the air. koodoo (koodoo), n. the striped an-telope of South Africa. kopeck, same as copeck. kopi (kopi), n. an African peasant. kopje (kopye), n. a hillock (SouihAfrica. ) Koraa, see Alcoran. koto (koto), n. a Japanese musicalinstrument, somewhat resemblingthe zither. koumiss (koomis), n. a spirituousbeverage made by the Tartars fromfermented mares milk. Also kumiss. kowto-w (ko-tou), n. a Chinese formof salutation from an inferior to asuperior by touching the groundwith the forehead: v.i. salute by thekowtow. Also kotow. kraal (krawl), n. an African villageconsisting of a group of huts sur-rounded by a palisade; aNote About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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