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Title: The American book of the dog. The origin, development, special characteristics, utility, breeding, training, points of judging, diseases, and kennel management of all breeds of dogsIdentifier: americanbookofdo00shie (find matches)Year: 1891 (1890s)Authors: Shields, G. O. (George O. ), 1846-1925, edSubjects: DogsPublisher: Chicago, Rand, McNallyContributing Library: The Library of CongressDigitizing Sponsor: Sloan FoundationView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:THE BEAGLE HOUND. 271 The lamented late Gen. Richard Rowett a number of years ago developed a strain so well and favorably known, both for their field and show qualities, that they came to be generally known as the " Rowett Hound." The imported Hounds Sam, Dolly, and Warrior were to the Rowett Hounds what Ponto, Moll, and Pilot were to the famous Laverack Setters—the foundation of the strain. Mr. N. Elmore, a number of years ago, also imported sev- eral good Beagles, including his famous Ringwood, nowText Appearing After Image:BEAGLE HOUND-TRAILER. Owned by Mr. H. F. Schellhass, No. 6 Brevort Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. dead, from which he bred many of our most prominent Hounds. Tliese two strains, together with some other blood to which Mr. Pottinger Dorsey has bred, form the nucleus of the blood we have in our Beagle. It remained, however, for the American Beagle Club, formerly the American English Beagle Club, organized in 1884, to create an impetus among the admirers of the breed, and bring the merits of the little Hound before such of the sportsmen as were not aware of its value. Several of our most i)rominent Beagle breeders met and formed the above-named club. A committee was appointedNote About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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