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Identifier: bookofsalmonintw00fitzrich (find matches)Title: The book of the salmon; in two parts... Usefully illustrated with numerous coloured engravings of salmon-flies, and salmon-fryYear: 1850 (1850s)Authors: Fitzgibbon, Edward, 1803-1857 Young, AndrewSubjects: Salmon Salmon fishing Flies, ArtificialPublisher: London, Longman, Brown, Green and LongmansContributing Library: University of California LibrariesDigitizing Sponsor: MSNView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:ed with broadsilver tinsel and gold twist; a lightish bluehackle, stripped on one side, over body; blue jayunder shoulder; head, seals fur dyed yellow ; tag,orange silk; above it another tag of fur of deeperorange hue; tail, large topping; wings, ten ortwelve largest sized toppings, sprigs of the leadingtail-feather of the golden pheasant, and four longfeelers of blue and yellow macaw. Hook, No. 2. This is a magnificent fly of the largest size thatneed be used in any river. It is the standardShannon-fly in the spring, and whenever thewater of that famous river is high. If dressedon a Xo. 6. hook, it will kill in the summer andautumn. The wing may be beneficially variedby the addition of a large white hackle-featherdyed party-coloured, red, yellow, and blue. Thewings of all large Shannon-flies should be chieflycomposed of long golden pheasant toppings. Someof them, descriptions of which I shall give underthe general title of Shannon- flies, will kill inthe Tweed, the Tay, and the Shin.Text Appearing After Image:TWO LITTLE FAVOURITES. 89 No. 5. The Dunkeld. — Body, gold tinselrolled close, and ribbed with silver twist and yel-low hackle; tag of black ostrich, tipped with goldtinsel; tail, small topping and small jungle cocksfeather; a little blue jay at shoulder; wings,two small toppings, mixed with brown mallardand peacocks wing-feather; blue, yellow, and redmacaw feelers, and black ostrich head. Hook,No. 8. This is an excellent little fly, one of the small-est that should ever be used, and it will kill wellat Ballyshannon and in the Sutherlandshire rivers,on summer and autumn mornings and evenings. No. 6. Body, puce floss silk, ribbed with silvertwist and puce hackle; tag of gold tinsel, orangesilk, and black ostrich; small topping for tail;yellow hackle round the butt of the wings, whichare to be of two toppings, mixed with bustardand sprigs of red and green parrots tail, and tohave blue kingfishers at each side; feelers, blueand yellow macaw, and black ostrich head. Hook,No. 8. This isNote About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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