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Traffic Motor Truck CorporationIdentifier: saturdayeveningp1933unse (find matches)Title: The Saturday evening postYear: 1839 (1830s)Authors:Subjects:Publisher: Philadelphia : G. GrahamContributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignDigitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From BookClick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:104 THE SATURDAY EVENING POST November 13,1920Text Appearing After Image:Ci!! lorse Setis< Nearly one-third of all motor-driven vehicles are used inagriculture. Extensive plans are beingmade throughout the countryto keep highways clear ofsnow and ice this winter. Motor vehicles have donemore for the development ofgood roads than all otheragencies combined in the his-tory of traffic on highways. Profits from hauling are measured by economy ofoperation—first cost and last cost. You will haul with a Traffic Truck if you are deter-mined to make a new profit out of your hauling, justas thousands have already done with Traffics. The Traffic saves hundreds of dollars in first cost,hundreds of dollars in maintenance cost, and cuts inhalf the cost of hauling with teams. It hauls a 4,000-lb. load 14 miles in one hour for 30c worth of gasoline. The Traffic Truck has never carried a war price. Ourpresent low price is hundreds of dollars under that ofany other truck in the Traffic class. This low pricehas only been made possible by standardized produc-tion on a quNote About ImagesPlease note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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