American soldiers wanted poster, aesthetic lithograph. Original public domain image by James Montgomery Flagg from the… Image from public domain licenseA military recruitment poster reading "Even a dog enlists, why not you?" for World War I (1914-1916) chromolithograph by… Image from public domain licenseLess dangerous than careless talk. Don't discuss troop movements, ship sailings, war equipment (1944) chromolithograph art… Image from public domain licenseTreat 'em rough - Join the tanks United States Tank Corps (1917) vintage poster by August William Hutaf. Original public… Image from public domain licenseGeneral notes: Use War and Conflict Number 798 when ordering a reproduction or requesting information about this image. Image from public domain licenseWar Effort Stand Firm (Lion) (1939-1946) chromolithograph by Tom Purvis. Original public domain image from Wikipedia.… Image from public domain licenseSoldiers without guns (1886-1981) lithograph poster by Adolph Treidler. Original public domain image from the Library of… Image from public domain license"United. The United Nations fight for freedom." [Propaganda. Poster.] [World War 2.] [Illustration by Leslie Ragan.] 1943;… Image from public domain licenseUncle Sam style Smokey Bear Only You. This work is maintained in the National Agricultural Library, in Beltsville, MD Image from public domain licenseI am telling you--On June 28th I expect you to enlist in the army of war savers to back up my army of fighters / James… Image from public domain licenseStamp out the Axis (1941) poster by P.V.P. Original public domain image from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain license"Spirit of '18. The World Cry FOOD. Keep the home gardening going.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain licenseBritain needs you at once (1915) poster by Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. Original public domain image from the Library… Image from public domain license Of course I can! I'm as patriotic as can be -- and ration points won't worry me! Image from public domain licenseBritish soldiers wanted poster. Original public domain image by Alfred Leete from the Library of Congress. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseUncle Sam png USA election poster illustration, transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. PNG from public domain licenseAmerica's tribute to Britain (1918) by Fred G. Cooper. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally… Image from public domain license"Together We Can Do It! Labor. Management. Keep `Em Firing!". Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseHow Snail Fever (Schistosomiasis) Gets Around: But Snail Fever (Schistosomiasis) Can Be Prevented. Original public domain… Image from public domain licenseEvery Girl Pulling for Victory, Victory Girls United War Work Campaign (1918) print in high resolution by Edward Penfield.… Image from public domain licenseUSA. H. R. Hopps (1869-1937). Destroy this Mad Brute (Destroy this crazy brute). 1917. 82 x 59 cm. (Slg.Nr. 3262) The… Image from public domain license"Keep it under your hat!" (1940s) poster in high resolution by St. Michael's Press Ltd. Original from The Museum of New… Image from public domain licenseBooks wanted for our men in camp and over there; take your gifts to the public library F. Image from public domain license"The girl he left behind" is still behind him--She's a WOW (1943) vintage poster by Adolph Treidler. Original public domain… Image from public domain license"We Can Do It!", also called "Rosie the Riveter" after the iconic figure of a strong female war production worker (1942… Image from public domain licenseUncle Sam's birthday July, 4th poster (1918). Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced… Image from public domain licenseHelp fill the war chest Humanity calls you, May 20-27 / / Ketterlinus, Phila. (1917) vintage poster. Original public domain… Image from public domain licenseColumbia calls--Enlist now for U.S. Army designed by Frances Adams Halsted ; painted by V. Aderente. Image from public domain licenseUSA. H. R. Hopps (1869-1937). Destroy this Mad Brute (Destroy this crazy brute). 1917. 82 x 59 cm. (Slg.Nr. 3262) The… Image from public domain licenseSoignons la basse-cour. Je suis une brave poule de guerre, je mange peu et produis beaucoup G. Douanne, 16 ans. Image from public domain licenseA military recruitment poster reading "Even a dog enlists, why not you?" for World War I (1914-1916) chromolithograph by… Image from public domain licenseDon't spoil a good dream sleep under a bed net. A naked man is shown sleeping on a cot. In a dream bubble above his head are… Image from public domain licenseLess dangerous than careless talk. Don't discuss troop movements, ship sailings, war equipment by Albert Dorne Image from public domain license7th war loan. Now--all together (1945) vintage poster by C.C. Beall. Original public domain image from the Library of… Image from public domain license I've found the job where I fit best! Find your war job in industry, agriculture, business Image from public domain licenseSecond World War - Spitfire (1943-1949), vintage airplane illustration. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons.… Image from public domain licenseTreat 'em rough - Join the tanks United States Tank Corps / / Ahgiet Hutaf ; National Printing & Engraving Co., Chicago, New… Image from public domain licenseBolshevism brings war, unemployment and starvation. (1918) vintage poster by Julius Ussy Engelhard. Original public domain… Image from public domain licenseIf you don't give a darn about yourself do it for her. A pin-up model scantily clad adjusts her hair while she stares at the… Image from public domain license"Keep it under your hat!" (1940s) poster in high resolution by St. Michael's Press Ltd. Original from The Museum of New… Image from public domain licenseTaking VD home too, sailor? Multicolor poster. Visual image dominates top of poster. Image is an illustration of a sailor… Image from public domain licenseLetter from the album fight for freedom x. Original public domain image from Web umenia. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseWar is sell. Economic boycott stops war. (1970) man and woman with bags of groceries poster. Original public domain image… Image from public domain license"The sword is drawn, the Navy upholds it!" (1856-1919) chromolithograph art by Kenyon Cox, N.A. Original public domain image… Image from public domain license"Save the products of the land. Eat more fish- they feed themselves.". Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseI've found the job where I fit best! Find your war job in industry, agriculture, business (1943), vintage poster George… Image from public domain licenseIt's a woman's war too! Join the WAVES--Your country needs you now--Apply to your nearest Navy recruiting station or office… Image from public domain licenseLight consumes coal - Save light, save coal United States Fuel Administration / / Coles Phillips ; Wards & Deutsch Litho.… Image from public domain license"They serve France--How can I serve Canada? Buy Victory Bonds" World War I poster for Canadian wartime fundraising depicts… Image from public domain licenseThe danger of Bolshevism (1919) skeleton poster by Rudi Feld. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress.… Image from public domain licenseTuberculosis must be conquered like the most evil of reptiles (1918) poster by Géo Dorival. Original public domain image… Image from public domain licenseYour binoculars could prevent this (1941-1943) military poster by WPA. Original public domain image from the Library of… Image from public domain licenseFeminist movement illustration. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseLend your strong right arm to your country. Enlist now H. & C. Graham Ltd., London, S.E. Image from public domain licenseShare in the victory--Save for your country--Save for yourself--Buy War Savings Stamps Haskell Coffin ; Mural Advertising… Image from public domain licenseShare in the victory--Save for your country--Save for yourself--Buy War Savings Stamps (1918) chromolithograph art by… Image from public domain license"Together We Win. Get behind Your Labor-Management Committee" Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseWake up America! Civilization calls every man, woman and child! James Montgomery Flagg. Image from public domain licenseLamp day, Friday, May 12th. Buy a lamp on lamp day for women's service in war time / Hudson & Kearns Ltd., Litho. London… Image from public domain license"Know your onions. Make all the food go all the way. Food is ammunition don't waste it." 1941 - 1945. Original public domain… Image from public domain licenseYour victory garden counts more than ever! (1945), vintage poster by Morley, Hubert. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain licenseUnited we win. War Manpower Commission, Washington, D.C. (1943) poster by Howard Liberman. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain licenseCertificate of membership, Abraham Lincoln papers (1833-1916). Original from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseUp-to-date map of the world war (1942) by Manila Shinbun-sha. Original from The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.… Image from public domain license